The ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert 3.0 bot alerts users whenever they log a late time entry. Enabling this bot will automatically remind your technicians to log their time entries right after they finish working on a ticket. When technicians log their time entries on time, their KPIs will improve, the utilization rate and agreement profitability computation will be accurate, the revenue and profitability of your company will increase, and the positive collaboration between technicians will be maintained.
Why should I use the ConnectWise Late Time Entry App?
Monitoring time entry is essential in maintaining and improving time commitments and deliverables of an MSP.
With the Late Time Entry app, managers can:
- Enable bots to automatically remind your technicians to log time entries within schedule to improve their KPIs, increase the utilization rate of your team, improve the agreement profitability between clients, and maintain positive collaboration between technicians.
- Send alert messages to technicians notifying them that they missed logging their time entries on time and explaining why timely logging is important.
- You cannot make your technicians absorb everything you taught them on how to do their job on day one, and you may not have the luxury of time to train them all over again. Our bots can provide real-time micro training to refresh your technicians' memories right after they log a late time entry.
- You can use this bot to reward technicians that go above the everyday pressure brought by the great loads of tasks to maintain a positive habit of logging time entries on time and to correct the behavior of those who keep logging late time entries.
With the Late Time Entry app, technicians can:
- Improve their KPIs and performance rating by not missing on logging their time entries on time.
- Be rewarded for going above the huge task pressure and maintaining a positive habit of performing tasks within schedule.
- With the help of our real-time micro training, you can save time in finding resources that will remind you how to do a particular task.
- Minimize talking to your managers more than you have to every day
With the Late Time Entry app, business owners can:
- Maintain a professional relationship between clients and the company by ensuring accurate time entries and on-time billing
- Improve the efficiency of technicians by improving their KPIs and the process of handling tickets. This can positively impact the company's profitability.
- Save resources for conducting training refreshers by allowing our bots to provide real-time micro training.
The following must be set up before you can start using the CnnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert bot:
- A successful MSPbots integration with ConnectWise Manage - SQL and Microsoft Teams, or ConnectWise Manage - API and Microsoft Teams.
MSPbots app should be installed in Microsoft Teams. Refer to the article Installing the MSPbots App in Teams for setup instructions.
- The message switch is set to Enabled in the User Management page.
- (Optional) The user's manager is configured within Azure Active Directory.
Bot Configuration
Follow these steps to configure the ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert 3.0 (Real-Time) bot:
In the left pane of the MSPbots home page, click Bots.
If the left pane is minimized, click the right-arrow symbol . - On the Search bar, type ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert, and click it to open the settings.
- When the Detail tab opens, click Design.
- When the Real-time Data window opens, select ConnectWise-Timeentry from the Data Source list, and then click Next.
In the ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Setting Filter, then click Next.
The triggering of this bot block is influenced by the settings of Exclude user(s) and Exclude work type(s) in the ConnectWise Late Time Entry Settings feature.
If you want to set the two conditions, refer to Exclude users and work types from the report.
- In the DataFilter window, set up your filters, and then click Next.
- In the Alert window, enable the toggle switch for the channel where the alert message will be sent.
- Click the To section, and then select the recipients of the alert message.
Customize the alert message in the message box, then click Next.
- When the Escalation window opens, set the threshold for when the alert will be sent.
- Next, select a User type and the Recipient of the bot alert.
- Then customize the message in the message box. This is the alert message for the user or manager when the escalation threshold is met.
You can choose an escalation template from the Choose Template dropdown list.
To send the alert message in dark mode, click Light Mode and select Dark Mode from the dropdown list.
You can save your escalation message as a template. To do this, click Template, input the Template Name and Template Type, and click Add. - Create additional escalation levels and escalation steps as needed, then click Finish when done adding.
Lastly, click Save on the ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert page.
To escalate an issue to a manager and their manager, both individuals must be on the Microsoft Azure Active Directory account.
Some tokens are specific only to the escalation alert. These are:- BOT_NAME - the name of the bot that triggered the alert.
- ESCALATION_TIME - the number of times the bot has already been triggered.
- MANAGER_NAME - the name of the user's manager.
- USER_NAME - the name of the user that triggered the bot.
- MANAGER_UP_NAME - the name of the manager's manager.
Best Practices for Using the Late Time Entry Alert Bot
- Don't turn on the alert after configuring your bot; simply enable Trigger. This will allow you to review the messages and data before rolling it out to your team.
- Let your team know that you are enabling the bot and do a short 15-minute coaching to let them know what the bot is about and how it will help your company accurately measure its profitability.
Data Sources
Source Widget: Bot - CW Late Time Entry Alert
The ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert bot uses the following data from ConnectWise Manage:
- Tickets
- Time Entries
- Users