This article shows how you can sign up MSPbots when you do not have an Office 365 account.
Follow these steps to sign up MSPbots:
- Go to
If you are located in Europe, go to Because we allocate the corresponding data center based on your location.
- Click Sign up.
- You will be asked to create an account. Fill in the required fields and click Create Account.
- When you are redirected to the Sign In page, enter the email address and password you provided in Step 2 and click Sign In.
- Fill in the About your MSP form and click Save. Follow the prompts.
You may skip the AAD authorization or AAD global policy settings pages.
- When done saving, navigate to the menu and go to Settings > User Management.
- Click the New User button to add a user.
- Fill in all the mandatory fields and click Confirm.
The new user should now appear on the list of users.
- Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to add more users.
Add this URL to your bookmarks for quick login: