Pie chart widgets are suitable for illustrating how data is distributed among your clients, product and service offerings, technicians, and teams. Some examples of MSP data that are effectively represented by pie chart widgets are:
- The percentage of revenue or clients attributed to each of your service categories or offerings.
- The number of tickets for each incident or severity.
- The percentage of SLAs met, breached, or pending among service categories or teams.
This article discusses creating a pie chart widget and gives a sample pie chart that shows the total number of tickets per issue type in the last 7 days.
Only users with admin roles can create widgets and dashboards.
This procedure applies to MSPbots users with an Autotask integration.
How to create a pie chart widget
- Navigate to Widgets on the MSPbots app menu.
- Go to My Widgets, click New Widget, and select the Pie Chart widget type in the New Widget window.
- When the Widget Builder window opens, go to the Basic Setting tab. Provide the following and click Apply:
- Name - Give the widget a name.
- Description - Give the widget a short description.
Role - Select the roles you want to give access to.
If you want to create or edit a Pie Chart widget using the New Widget Builder mode, refer to How to Create a Pie Chart Widget Using the New Widget Builder.
- Go to the Dataset tab. Click the + button and select New Layer.
- In the Dataset window
- Select the Dataset containing the information you need.
- Enter a name for the Show datasource name as field. (Optional)
- For Columns Display
- Go to the Column Name dropdown menu and select the field you want to show in the drill-through. Click the add icon to add more rows.
- Give an Alias and select a Business Type for each row.
For Filter
- Click the add icon and select Add Condition or Add Group.
- Add all the fields you want to be filtered.
- Set a condition or logic for each field using the next two dropdown lists. For a guide on each option, refer to What Filter Conditions and Formats are Available for Creating Widgets.
- Select a logical operator for the filter group (AND or OR).
- For Measure
- Click the plus sign to show the Measure window.
- Select a Summary Type.
- Select a Field to use in the computation.
- Give an Alias for the measure.
- Select a Format Type.
- Click Add.
- For Dimensions
- Select a field for grouping the data.
- Enter an Alias for the measure.
- Select a Format Type.
- Click Add.
- Other optional settings are:
- Order By - Sorts the data based on the selected field.
- Row Limit - Sets a limit on how many rows of data will be shown.
- The same options are available on the dataset tab, the difference is that they apply to the pie chart shown instead of the drill-down.
- Click Save.
- Next, go to the Config tab.
- Select an option for X-axis. This will determine the grouping used to partition the pie.
- Select an option for Y-axis. This will be used for the values of each partition.
- (Optional) Another measure can be added to the sub X-axis to divide the pie chart further.
- Add a Pie Chart Title.
- (Optional) Add a Part Name.
- Assign colors to the values in the chart by selecting a color from the Configure Threshold field. Click the Add icon to assign more.
- You can also configure the pie chat Radius, Overflow action, and Font Size.
- To display the section labels and the percent symbol for the values, select Show All Label and Show Percent.
Note: The Show Percent option is enabled by default.
- Click Apply. This will show a preview of the pie chart created.
Example: How to Create a Pie Chart Widget that shows the total number of tickets per issue type in the last 7 days
- Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for How to create a pie chart.
- When the Widget Builder window opens, go to the Basic Setting tab. Provide the following and click Apply.
- Name - Tickets Per Issue Type
- Description - This pie chart shows the total number of tickets per issue type in the last 7 days.
Role - Admin and User
- Go to the Dataset tab. Click the add + button and select New Layer.
- In the Dataset window,
- Select Autotask Ticket Statistics for the Dataset field.
- Enter a name for the Show datasource name as field. (Optional)
- For Columns Display, create the rows for the following selections. (Follow the format Column Name > Alias > Business Type.)
- Select company_name > Company > Text.
- Select ticket_number > Ticket Number > Hyperlinks.
Selecting Hyperlinks will add a link to the ticket. To complete this step:- Click the paintbrush icon.
- Select Autotask Ticket URL in the Format field.
- Click Save.
- Next, select issue_type > Type > Text.
- Select sub_issue_type > Sub-type > Text.
- Select create_date > Date Created > Date Time.
- Lastly, select completed_date > Date Completed > Date Time.
For Filter
- Click the add + button and select Add Condition.
- Select the field create_date from the first dropdown list then In for the second one.
- Then select Previous > 1 > Weeks (Mon-Sun) from the third dropdown list.
- For Measure
- Click the add + sign to show the Measure window.
- Select Count for Summary Type.
- Select Ticket Number for Fields.
- Type Ticket Count as an Alias.
- Select Number for Format Type.
- Click Confirm.
- For Dimensions,
- Select Type for the Fields.
- Type Issue Type as Alias.
- Select Text for Format Type.
- Click Confirm.
- Click Save.
- On the Dataset tab, click the add + button for Order By and select Ticket Count.
- Go to the Config tab.
- Select Issue Type for X-axis.
- Select Ticket Count for Y-axis.
- Give a Pie Chart Title like Tickets Per Issue Type, for example.
- Enter values for Radius, Overflow, and Font size.
- Select Show All Label to show labels, and select Show Percent if you want the chart to show the percent symbol for the values.
- Click Apply. This will show a preview of the pie chart created.