This article shows how to clone a dashboard template and how to navigate template dashboards more effectively. You can clone any dashboard to have one that fits your business requirements.
How to clone a template dashboard
- Navigate to Dashboards on the MSPbots app.
Search for the dashboard you want to clone in Template Dashboards or Best Practice tabs and select it.
If you want to clone a template dashboard, do your search on the Template Dashboards tab or Best Practice tab.
* Template Dashboards - The template dashboards.
* Best Practice - The most popular and commonly used template dashboards.
On the other hand, if you need to clone one of your existing dashboards, do your search on the My Dashboards tab instead.
- Next, click the Clone Dashboard icon.
- In the Clone pop-up window, enter the Name, Role, and Description for the new dashboard.
- Select the Clone The Associated Widget checkbox to copy all widgets used in the Dashboard.
- Click Continue to save.
- Search for the cloned dashboard and select it. This dashboard was automatically saved as a Custom dashboard and will be available under the My Dashboards tab.
- Once you select the cloned dashboard, it will show all the widgets from the original dashboard. To modify this view, click the Design button.
To add more widgets, click the Add Widget button.
To edit or delete widgets on the dashboard, hover on the upper right corner of a widget, click the ellipsis ... icon, and select the Edit or Delete icons from the options.
How to quickly filter template dashboards
If you know the name of the template dashboard, you can type it in the search bar.
You can also filter the desired template dashboards in the Quick Filter area by selecting filtering conditions.
For Sort,
- Name - Sort by the first character of template dashboard name, such as letters and numbers.
- Status - Sort in the order of status, including Alpha and Published.
- Type - Sort by type, including Template, Custom, and Community.
- Created Date - Sort by the creation date.
- Last Modified - Sort by the last modification date.
- 7-Day Views - Sort by the number of views of the template dashboards in the past 7 days, excluding the views of the current day.
- 30-Day Views - Sort by the number of views of the template dashboards in the past 30 days, excluding the views of the current day.
90-Day Views - Sort by the number of views of the template dashboards in the past 90 days, excluding the views of the current day.
You can clickor
to sort the template dashboards.
*represents ascending order.
*represents descending order.
For Filter, you can select the following filters to screen the template dashboards.
Name Field Type - Template - The default type for template dashboards is Template.
- Custom - User-defined dashboards.
- Community - If a user shares a dashboard from "My Dashboard" to the Community, it will create a template dashboard in the list of template dashboards.
Status - Alpha - Template dashboard under trial, after a 30-day trial period, it will automatically transition to the Published status if everything is normal.
- Published - Template dashboard that has already been published.
Dashboard Type - Dashboard
- Report
Shared - Shared - Template dashboards that have been shared before.
- Not Shared - Template dashboards that have never been shared.
Tag Template dashboards with certain tags.
Created Date Template dashboards created from Start Date to End Date.
Creator Template dashboards created by the technician.
Last Modified Date Template dashboards last modified from Start Date to End Date.
Last Modified By Template dashboards last modified by the technician.
For Sort,
For Integration Group,
- Show all integration - Display template dashboards associated with all integrations.
Hide unconnected integration - Only display template dashboards associated with connected integrations.
The template dashboard card displays the following information:
- Type
- Views in the past 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days
- Creation time
- Last update time
- Creator
- Updater
Technicians with which roles or permissions can view it.