The Financial Suite for Autotask Integration provides insights on key metrics such as Profit Margin, Effective Rate, and Contribution Rate to ensure profitability. The metrics breakdown according to contract type, company, and trend graphs determine the correctness of contracts and effectiveness of labor cost management.
How to install the Financial Suite for Autotask Integration
The Financial Suite app is pre-installed with your MSPbots subscription and is available in the Apps section.
How to access the Financial Suite for Autotask Integration
Only users with admin and financial roles can access the Financial Suite.
To access the Financial Suite app and view the dashboard and settings, go to Apps on the MSPbots menu and click Financial Suite for Autotask Integration.
Dashboards and Settings
Financial Dashboard - Contract Profitability Summary
The Contract Profitability Summary dashboard shows metrics like total billed, margin, effective rate, contribution rate, and profit per contract classification. It also contains graphs showing the monthly trend for these KPIs. The results on this dashboard are filtered using the Date Range, Contract Type, and Company Name slicers.
Financial Dashboard - Contract Detail
The Contract Detail dashboard shows a breakdown of the same metrics as the Contract Profitability Summary dashboard but on a per contract-company level. It also contains graphs for the trend of the labor hours vs. target and profit margin %. The results on this dashboard can be filtered using the Date Range and Contract Type slicers.
Financial Dashboard - Margin Review
The Margin Review dashboard displays the trend of the monthly margins of all the companies under each contract classification. It allows business owners and service managers to determine the companies for observation. The results on this dashboard are filtered using the Date Range, Contract Type, and Company Name slicers.
Financial Dashboard - Effective Rate
The Effective Rate dashboard shows the effective rates for each customer and the contract classification with a breakdown of billed, additional costs, and labor hours The results are filtered using the Date Range, Contract Type, and Company Name slicers.
Contracts Financial Suite Settings
This dashboard contains the Contracts Financial Suite Settings where the target cost margin is set.
Dashboard Terms and Calculations
Terms | Calculations |
Value | Value = Quantity × Unit Price |
Target Hours |
Budgeted hours to achieve the Target Total Cost Margin %, which is set in the Contract Financial Suite Settings for App Packages dashboard. {[Target Total Cost Margin % - (Service Cost ÷ Billed)] × Billed} ÷ Average Hourly Labor Rate |
Profit | Billed - (Service Cost + Labor Costs) |
Margin | Profit ÷ Billed |
Effective Rate | (Billed - Service Cost) ÷ Labor Hours (If the labor hours is < 1, then it is rounded off to 1.) |
Contribution Rate | Profit ÷ Labor Hours (If the labor hours is < 1, then it is rounded off to 1.) |
Billed | The sum of [(Actual Quantity × Unit Price) + Service Total] for all invoices within the selected date range |
Ave. Hourly Labor Rate | The average of the hourly labor rates of all active technicians with a work type tagging |
Service Costs | Sum of (Actual Quantity × Unit Cost) for all invoices within the selected date range |
Actual Labor Hours | Total recorded hours for a contract |