Filters are used to narrow down the tickets that you want your technicians to work on. These are configured by defining conditions using the available fields in your PSA.
How to Create a Filter
You can create a filter with the following steps:
- Open NextTicket on the MSPbots app. Navigate to Apps and select NextTicket from the apps list.
- On the NextTicket dashboard, click the Filter dropdown and select Add New Filter.
- Set up conditions on the Filter Settings window that appears.
- Input a Filter Name.
- Click the icon to add conditions and select the needed PSA field(s) and operator(s) to define the ticket pool. Service Boards/Queue, Ticket Status, and Closed Flag are commonly used filters. You can also use the icon to add a group.
You must have a service board (Or Queue) field for the NextTicket app to work.If you are using ConnectWise,
* when selecting Resources or Ticket Owner as the condition fields for filtering, you can choose Current user as the value.
* You can select the custom fields defined in ConnectWise as conditional fields, such as Service Delivery Team.
Currently, only custom fields in ConnectWise are supported.
This will make the filtering criteria more specific while also avoiding the maximum ticket limit, allowing MSPbots to accurately filter out the highest priority tickets. - When done adding conditions, click the Preview button to test if the tickets are the ones that you want to show.
- Select a user on the main dashboard before using the Preview button to ensure that the function will work successfully.
In the Test Result pop-up window, it can capture up to 250 items. If it exceeds 250 items, a prompt message will be sent, and a notification email will be sent to your admin to assist you in adjusting the filtering criteria.
- We have set a limit to capture a maximum of 250 data items. The reason for this limit is that sometimes the data returned by the API interface is too large, which can cause errors in the interface.
- When capturing 250 ticket items, the number of filtered tickets can be exactly 250 items or more than 250 items.
- When there are fewer than 250 items, the number of filtered tickets will be displayed accordingly.
If you want to avoid having 250 items, please go back to the "Filter Settings" page to adjust the filter and preview again until the ticker items are less than 250 items.
- Once satisfied with the filter settings, click Save.
If a PSA field is not available from the dropdown list, you can submit a request through our Help Center.
How to Edit a Filter
You can edit an existing filter with the following steps:
- Navigate to Apps on the MSPbots menu and select NextTicket.
- On the main dashboard, click the Filter dropdown, then click the icon corresponding to the filter you want to edit.
- Click Save when done editing.
How to Copy a Filter
You can copy or clone an existing filter with the following steps:
- Navigate to Apps on the MSPbots menu and select NextTicket.
- On the main dashboard, click on the Filter dropdown, then click the icon corresponding to the filter you want to copy.
A copy of the selected filter will be added to the dropdown list.
How to Delete a Filter
You can delete a filter with the following steps:
- Navigate to Apps on the MSPbots menu and select NextTicket.
- On the main dashboard, click on the Tickets filter dropdown, then click the icon corresponding to the filter you want to delete.
- Click OK when asked if you want to delete. The screen will refresh, and the filter will be removed from the dropdown list.
Known issue
1. When selecting "Service Board" in the "Filter Settings" of the Next Ticket for ConnectWise Manage app, the required service board does not appear in the drop-down list.
This may be because you have added this service board in the Restrict Board Access of ConnectWise, refer to How to Resolve the Issue of Needed Service Board Not Appearing in Next Ticket for ConnectWise.