The client encountered the following error in Teams when installing the MSPbots app:
One of the following may be causing this error:
- Office 365 is set to block the installation of new apps.
- MSPbots is not properly installed.
This article gives the steps on how to troubleshoot this issue. Make sure that you have administrator rights before proceeding.
Do the following to fix the error:
- Set MSPbots to be Allowed in Teams. Use this guide to check if Teams is set to block the installation of new apps.
If this did not resolve your issue, proceed to the next step. - Reinstall MSPbots properly using any of the following methods:
- Installing the Teams app from Microsoft App Source
Installing MSPbots from Microsoft Teams
If these did not resolve your issue, try the next step.
Setup Teams Global Policy to push MSPbots to all users.
If your issue remains unresolved after performing the above procedures, submit a request through our Help Center for assistance.